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Braydon, Australia

My child’s birth was full of ups and downs. A plan of a natural birth was foiled within minutes, after 15 hours of labour. An emergency C-section followed. Luckily our beautiful boy was born 2 hours later.

As prepared for everything as I was, it goes to show anything can happen during child birth. My advice for fathers to be is to accept anything and everything that happens during the birth. Regardless of preconceived ideas of how, when or where you want the birth, things can change in an instant.

It's also really important for the dad to go in there with some knowledge, so he knows how to step up and help when he's needed. For a while in the hospital my wife was doing really well with breathing techniques, but she just couldn't get comfortable. I could see how she could be more comfortable, so I coaxed her into a different position on an exercise ball, leaning onto me, and there between the two of us we were able to create a little bubble. I put on music and repeated birthing affirmations to her, reminding her to breathe and helping her stay calm and focussed. And we were in that little circle for about four or five hours.

Your main job as birth partner is to support and maintain calm for your partner during this journey. Fighting any issues will only cause stress and additional discomfort for her. Remember it’s her journey, you just get to help guide her to the final destination. Through affirmations, support and love you can help her do this.

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